2018-2020 第二屆 Anna Chang
2020-2022 第三屆 Stasia Huang
2022-2024 第四屆 謝懷慧
2016年1月由一位來自菲律賓的Maria Allgeier女士陪先生外派來到台北,發現台北這個國際大都市沒有以英語為語言的國際崇她社,而後在楊欣欣總監的支持下,由當時的國際章程暨決議委員會委員長謝維文盡心輔導下, 以及新竹社的協助, 多位創社社員定期開會,最終在創社社長莊瓊足加入後完整人事布局,台北都會社於2016.12.04在林桂朱總監的見證以及國際總監Sonja Schogh視訊祝福下授證成立。
自成立後,創社社員同心努力, 一起學習他社之經驗並融入崇她這個大家庭。在歷任社長努力下, 小而美的都會社持續關注婦幼福利. 過去曾支持阿嬤家和花蓮社合作, 贊助並接待善牧之家外展中心所輔導的小朋友到台北2日遊,也曾協助善牧之家基金會建構官方網站, 提供受暴家庭成員上網尋求協助。都會社並於2018年舉辦聖誕下午茶會為崇她百週年募款。更於2019年4月21日負責主辦第31區第一分區會議。目前都會社固定每年贊助物資給關愛之家的幼童; 自2017年起贊助台北木柵明道小學的直排輪溜冰校隊訓練及出國比賽相關費用。新的贊助與合作計畫也即將展開.
成立五年,都會社支持國際崇她之宗旨--賦權婦女,向暴力說不,並將致力配合2022年林利勤總監執行崇她國際暨31區的各項事務,以為婦女和女孩建立一個更美好的世界為宗旨, 持續努力推動會務, 協助弱勢團體。
History of Zonta International Club of Taipei Cosmo
Back in January 2016, Mrs. Maria Allgeier, a Filipino Zontian who came to Taipei with her husband, found there was no English-speaking Zonta club in Taipei. Being a Zontian herself, she picked up the phone and called the governor, then Hsin-Hsin Yang and a meeting was organized to launch the preparation of the first English speaking Zonta club in Taiwan. At that time, Maria also proposed the name of the club to be as Taipei Cosmo. After coordination, the Club Hsin-chu became the SOM Club and Vivienne Shen, Chair of ZI Bylaws and Resolutions Committee, acted as the midwife to deliver this new club. As the mentor, Chair Shen called the monthly meeting until Pauline Tzuang joined and agreed to serve as the charter president. On Dec. 4 2016 Club Taipei Cosmo was officially chartered. The ceremony was graced by Governor Kuei-Chu Lin, the members of sister clubs and also a tele-video from then-president Sonja Schogh was arranged, for her to say congratulations to the new club.
In the following years with the efforts of the sessive presidents and the members, the club has achieved a lot of projects including one-time donations to AMA Home Museum and to SEAMi Bookstore for the new immigrant community. Club also supported for and escorted the kids of Good Shepherd out- reach Center in Hualien to come to Taipei for a 2-day trip. A charity event was held before Christmas in 2018 to raise fund for Zonta’s CAEC. Club sponsered Good Shepherd Foundation's website program for the abuse women and witnessed children who need counceilling. The club also took charge to organize the Area 1 meeting on April 21, 2019. At the moment the club yearly donates daily supply to Harmony Home in Taipei. The long-term support to the roller skating team of Ming Dao Elementary School has enabled the young athletes to compete overseas for world championship. New charity projects will be launched soon.
We are a young club but we will do our best to carry out the mission of Zonta International to empower women and to say no to violence again women. In addition, we pledge do our best to help the under-preveliged groups locally and to build a better world for women and girls globally.
分社幹部 Club Officers
崇她新竹社攜手國際社團 歲末捐血送愛心
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關懷送暖歡呼兒 崇她新竹社義賣春聯
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2025-01-02(四) -
2024國際崇她花蓮社送暖卓溪 捐贈近28萬元物資
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2024-12-09(一) -
2024-12-08(日) -
國際崇她社新北社Orange The World反對性別暴力活動
2024-12-07(六) -
國際崇她31區第二分區 中部各社聯誼與學習工作坊
2024-12-05(四) -
國際崇她向婦女暴力說不 ! Zonta Says No in Taipei 101 Taiwan